Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Beyond Mother Nature's Fury

Mother Nature decided to back off a bit to allow the Republican Convention to proceed despite their attempts to squander her resources. So for the new opening night President Bush spoke via live video feed. During his speech, he referenced "The Angry Left." Oh My! He made it seem like conservatives, such as McCain, are victims of irrational wrath.

The truth is that many people are really angry. Many of the vocal do reside on the left side of politics. However, any reasonable woman or man should feel a little irate right now. We are facing lies, manipulations and disregard from the current administration. This has taken too much of the joy out of being an American. This makes me livid!
What about the way our civil liberties have been stripped to the bone and privacy has become a privilege? This is worthy of some rage!
Tax cuts that leave the rich richer and everyone else pinching every penny they find on the streets. This should make people mad!
No bid contracts for a military that has been stretched thin and veterans left to starve in the streets. This should piss you off!
The heat of scientifically proven global warming would make any logical person sweat. Denying it shows a true disrespect for life. It is reasonable to be upset by the killing of polar bears and other wildlife with the beat of an oil drill.
In an election, that has McCain choosing a potential vice president that makes me look like a bona fide foreign relations expert scares me. It is alright to be furious about this!

Now the Obama campaign has shined a light on the tunnels end and kept many from being swallowed by the quick sand of cynicism. People say hope is empty rhetoric, but sometimes it is the best medicine for an ill democracy.

It wouldn't be hard to tame the lioness rage of the past 8 years. Electing compassion, intellect, and judgment in the leaders of this country is a good start.

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