Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Divided and Conquered? Why?

News reports gladly remind us that Democrats seems to work harder to maintain solidarity. They show images of Clinton protesters at the convention and give McCain free ad time by repeatedly showing a commercial with a Hillary supporter voting for him. I realize this is mostly media's subjective view of what is going on in the election, but this is not acceptable.

Any democrat/liberal that walks away because their primary candidate didn't achieve the nomination is shameful. Any feminist that turns to the republicans simply because a woman isn't on the ticket is doing a grave disserve to all feminists. Critics can point to this and say feminists don't really want positive change they just want women in powerful positions no matter the cost.

I am so angry that people are resistant to the better candidate this November! Here is just a few of the comparisons that can be made between the two nominees:

Obama is pro-choice and advocates better birth control policies.
McCain is committed to overturning Roe v. Wade and doesn't mention anything about preventing unwanted pregnancies.

Obama's education policies include reforming No Child Left Behind by funding it, fostering innovative teaching, shared learning and raising achievement in a variety of ways. He also includes early childhood and affordable college education as priorities.
McCain's education ideas revolve almost exclusively around choice. What about rural areas where there aren't really any schools to choose from within miles? What about transportation if students have to travel farther to get to a choice school? How will 'good' schools manage an influx of students?

On energy Obama's plan focuses more on green technologies and renewable resources.
McCain touches on these issues, but features domestic oil production ahead of creating ways to lower our energy consumption.

Don't forget about the Supreme Court. Rudy Giuliani boasted about McCain's support of Justices Scalia, Alito and Roberts on ABC's This Week.
Obama voted against the appointment of Alito and Roberts.

For more comparisons you can go to each candidates website: Obama or McCain?

It is fine to criticize our leaders, even the ones that get our vote. This is NOT the time to do so. Now is when we choose a smarter path. Now is when we fight against disaster. Now is when we must put aside our unrealistic expectations for perfection. Now is when we stand behind the best chance we have for a better world. Now is when we must support Obama for ourselves and the greater good.

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