Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Victory Verse

One of the more significant things in this election is America's choice to stand up. President-Elect Obama has many times in his campaign called on people to be better. He has asked us to get involved, educate ourselves and others, and act environmentally responsible. It has seemed that many had forgotten the true meaning of JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." However, now I believe people are coming back to the idea that government and the American people can work together to make it a better country, a better world. In Obama's words, all those that voted for him yesterday are "quiet heroes." They stood up to the challenge. They helped make a new history and bring a tangible example of hope to my future children's history books.

Yesterday will not soon be forgotten. Tomorrow will soon be upon us and it is my sincerest hope that we work together as a nation for what is right. We must recognize the challenges we are facing, show patience and compassion to all human beings and believe in ourselves as much as we believe in our president.

1 comment:

momba said...

We are proud of our Barack. Keep hope alive. We shall overcome. Yes we can. I am proud to be American.